Course information



The Advanced Surgical Skills for Exposure in Trauma (ASSET) course is the leading surgical skills program globally, conducted in 28 countries. The course is developed by the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma.

This one-day, hands-on, scenario-based course, featuring fresh cadaver dissections and a low instructor-to-student ratio, teaches over 35 life- and limb-saving techniques essential for all surgeons caring for trauma victims.


Course director 

Mark Bowyer 
Ben Eiseman Professor of Surgery
Surgical Director of Simulation
National Lead for ASSET+ Course
The Department of Surgery at Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences & the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center "America's Medical School"


International faculty

Mary Stuever 
Mark van den Baar
Ralph de Wit
Edith Willigendael 
Maarten Bronkhorst
Leo Geeraedts
Erik van de Krol
Edward Tan


More information

More information is available on the American College of Surgeons (ACS) website:

Please see the film 'Advanced Surgical skills for Exposures in Trauma' here